From Wildsong
WABDE = Esri Web App Builder, Developer Edition
I have it working in Docker, and publish it on the Hub and in Github now.
Reading the license file tells me they built it on a lot of open source,
- dojo
- dijit
- dojox
- dgrid
- xstyle
- put-selector
- dstore
- esri/workers/libs/rtree.js
- esri/workers/libs/kdtree.js
- bigjs
- pdf.js
- png.js
- unitBezier.js
- mapbox-gl-js
- glmatrix.js
- hershey fonts
- glfx.js
- ace.js
- jsPdf https://github.com/MrRio/jsPDF
- store.js
- usng.js
- qrcode generator https://github.com/kazuhikoarase/qrcode-generator
- jquery
...and more but I am tired of typing