Ubuntu installation on Magnia SG20

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Connect hard drive to desktop system

In my case, the system is 8track. I use a ribbon cable and a 44pin laptop to 40 pin desktop IDE adapter. The drive is one of the 30 GB Toshiba 2.5" 4200rpm drives that came in the system when I got it.

Set up virtual machine

I create a VMware workstation virtual machine using the hard drive on /dev/hda and the cdrom connected to an ISO rescue image called "System Rescue CD".

Boot from the System Rescue CD

Use evmns to partition the hard drive and create filesystems. Create two volumes, the first is swap (500MB) the second is /root (3GB).

Putting swap first means that the second partition can easily be expanded to fill all available space. Make a reiser filesystem on /dev/evms/root and a swap filesystem on /dev/evms/swap.

Install Ubuntu

Boot from the Ubuntu Server install cd, use the "manual" option for partitioning, tell it to install Ubuntu into the third partition. Tell it to install LAMP (Apache + MySQL + PHP)

Remove CDROM and reboot.

Install updates

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt-get dist-upgrade

Add extra repositories

Install extra packages

  • evms evmsn evmsgui evms-bootdebug support for RAID
  • emacs-nox
  • webmin web-based system management utility
  • oclock to test X11 connections, and for fun, run with "oclock -transparent &"
  • synaptic X11 GUI package manager
  • xauth to allow connecting to X11 applications such as synaptic
  • mgetty mgetty-fax added to support incoming calls on modem line and faxing
  • shorewall to manage the firewall; shorewall is supported in webmin
  • nfs-kernel-server so I can share files with other Linux boxes
  • cupsys-client added to allow webmin to do printer management
  • privoxy web advertising blocker
  • postfix mail handler; added but you will need to reconfigure