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Mojo the computer

  • Intel D945GCLF motherboard
  • 32 GB Patriot SSD
  • 2 GB RAM
  • Wireless USB adapter

Prepping it for use as an Asterisk server.

WiFi notes


auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet static
  wpa-key-mgmt WPA-PSK
  wpa-ssid wildsong
  wpa-psk greenninja2
ifup wlan0

Mojo the Crow

Mojo was an American Crow (R.I.P.) we cared for at Chintimini Wildlife Rescue in Corvallis Oregon.

He had a lot of damage to his flight and tail feathers due to being kept as a pet in a too-small cage.

Most of the critters are just at Chintimini for a short time while their injuries are treated. Mojo was an ed bird because he imprinted on humans and could not be released, they have about 6 birds they keep for educational purposes.

28-Nov-2006 -- Well, Mojo's feathers have grown out. He's quite handsome now.

Captain Morgan

Another resident bird at Chintimini is Morgan, a female Sparred Owl. That's a hybrid Barred / Spotted Owl. She is really quite beautiful.