Wiki Maps
There is a very cool and easy to use Maps extension for Mediawiki. I installed it here and put together this simple page to test it.
2018-May-06 updated to 5.3, now I can use OpenStreetMap and OpenLayers and Leaflet.
2016-Oct-23 updated with "Maps" extension. I had to get a new API key from Google.
2008-JUN-02 I added the Google Maps extension to this wiki, which means I can now insert Google Maps anywhere.
The Astoria Co-op store is here: {{#geocode: Astoria Co-op}}
The Utzinger Duplex is here: {{#geocode: 1109 Harrison Avenue, Astoria, Oregon}}
{{#display_map: 1109 Harrison Avenue, Astoria, Oregon|height=400|width=400|zoom=16}}
Sample Maps
OpenStreetMap + Leaflet : Clatsop County offices
This is geocoded based on the address 800 Exchange St.
{{#display_map:800 Exchange St, Astoria, Oregon, United States|service=leaflet|minzoom=12|zoom=16|maxzoom=20}}
OpenStreetMap + OpenLayers : Trailpeople Headquarters
919 First Street in Benicia.
{{#display_map:919 First Street, Benicia California|service=openlayers|minzoom=12|zoom=16|maxzoom=20}}
Google : Alsea Geospatial (previous location)
You have to have a Google API key to use Google Maps and the first 28,000 ($200) of maps a month are free. So if you see a message here about the map being unavailable or something, it's because the limit was hit for this month. (Ha ha that will never happen on this page!)
{{#display_map:44.563505, -123.263265~ ~ ~ ~ ~Alsea Geospatial, Inc. 1st location|service=googlemaps3}}