Spatial Test Data

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I use these sources for testing OpenLayers in ol-react examples

Source for ol-react is in Git at and it's available as a package in the npm repository too.

On my internal GeoServer Layer Preview page, I can test nearly any OGC service directly. I have added services for PDF and Excel. I have added WPS but don't have any tests for it yet.

There are many many possible data source formats (PNG, GIF, TIFF, SVG, GeoJSON, TopoJSON, etc etc ad nauseum) More than I want to test for ol-react! :-)

WFS GeoServer Taxlots (internal) 2 (GeoJSON), 5 (GeoJSON)
WFS-T GeoServer Web Markers (internal) 6 (GeoJSON) *can't edit yet!
WFS ArcGIS ??? untested
WMS (raster tiles) GeoServer Taxlots (internal) 1
WMS (vector) GeoServer Taxlots (internal) untested
WMS (raster) ArcGIS DOGAMI Bare Earth HS untested
XYZ tiles GeoServer ??? untested
XYZ tiles ArcGIS Esri Streets 3
MapBox tiles GeoServer Taxlots (internal) 7, 8
Mapbox tiles ArcGIS ??? untested
ESRI proprietary
FeatureServer ArcGIS Taxlots FeatureServer query only 6 (service down)
FeatureServer ArcGIS ?? editable untested
ImageServer ArcGIS DOGAMI Oregon Canopy HS ArcGISRest 8
ImageServer ArcGIS NAIP 2016 photo ArcGISRest untested
MapServer ArcGIS Esri City,State,Highway 3 (PNG32 raster)

"internal" means that I have not found a public source so I am using a server that is firewalled

I have several other samples in ol-react examples to test Bing maps, Stamen and OSM (including ThunderForest). Bing and ThunderForest require API keys, which are not checked in to git.