Kenwood TM-271A
2m mobile 25/60W
I looked in the corner of my lab and found a Larsen PO UHF antenna with a BNC hanging off it, so I stuck it onto the radio via an adapter and it's picking up NOAA now just fine. The antenna will probably melt if I hit transmit. :-) I think it came with the Radio Modems so it's probably the version that works at 4230 MHz
Trying to use Chirp through a PG-4A cable with a serial to USB adapter (PL-2303), which does not work on Windows 10!! ("Unknown device is connected and ready to use!" huh yeah you are funny) and works flawlessly on Debian where I have no software installed for it. Grrr. On the Mac? YES! Works fine. So much for Windows.
Notes on the Packet connector mod
TM-271A CTSS Decode Modification
Link requiring login: Packet Connector Mod
A few photos COS output