ArcGIS Server

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April 2014

I left the job that provided me with licenses. I have lost interest in ArcGIS Server mostly.

For CVO Public Works I am trying to find out what the "Image Service" is. From what I can tell, an Image Service allows queries and a Map Cache does not, so I am not interesting in Image Services.

When you want to build a cache, you normally publish an MXD and then build the cache on the server. This is great as long as the image data is already on the server, otherwise it has to push all the original images up to the server first. Sigh... copy rasters then build tiles from rasters, then never touch copy of rasters again... well, there is the "register a folder" thing.

January 2014

06 Jan 2014

Somewhere in the last year the 10.1 server stopped working. I am going to install 10.2 anyway.

Also I am going to set it up to store data in PostgreSQL.

07 Jan 2014

In preparation for ArcGIS 10.2, I did updates ("yum update") I had to remove pgadmin3 and php packages since they depend on the libpq package that I removed to install the bespoke PostgresSQL/PostGIS. I don't need pgadmin3 because I don't run it on the console anyway. I use it on client machines. I am not sure why the php thing was installed, probably just against future need. Hopefully does not need it...

Specifically I did this:

rpm -e php-pgsql php-ZendFramework-Db-Adapter-Pdo-Pgsql
rpm -e pgadmin3_92-1.16.1-4.rhel6.x86_64
yum update

Last year

11 Feb 2013

Working the open source side this week. Loading data into PostGIS and publishing it. I got distracted last week when I decided I'd spend some time trying to organize my data. I want to press on so i am not going to invent anything clever this afternoon.

I am trying to build a base map. I will continue adding pages to the Open source section from the last session 21 Jan... Actually I have already written on most of those topics so I linked to existing pages.

The data that I put into the ArcGIS map included:

  • railroads
  • highways (red lines)
  • rivers (blue lines)
  • state parks (green polygons with transparency)
  • city limits (tan polygons) labelled when zoomed in
  • counties (polygons)

I symbolized the counties 2 ways, as a border line at < 100K and as colorful polygons >= 100K, with labels when zoomed out

I will show some details on the loading into PostGIS, here

21 Jan 2013

Last week we decided to compare what it takes to get the same map up and running, one in ESRI using ArcGIS and one in open source using PostGIS, Geoserver, and Openlayers.

Working on creating the ESRI basemap.

I had some data stashed already that I can use, a file geodatabase that's a few years old. I built it with ArcGIS 9.3. FGDB has come a long way since then. My first step therefore was to open it in ArcCatalog and use the "Update" button to convert it to 10.1 format... continued in Creating a basemap in ArcGIS Desktop.

I decided to start breaking this topic out into separate pages... something like this.

Here is the proposed list of pages, so far.


With ESRI we've made it to step 4.

  1. Setting up ArcGIS For Server on Linux
  2. Creating a basemap in ArcGIS Desktop
  3. Publishing the basemap as a service
  4. Consuming the service in ArcGIS Online
  5. Creating a stand-alone web map using ArcGIS Server


With open source we have steps 1 and 2 done so far.

  1. Setting up PostGIS: How I went about setting up PostGIS is covered in detail here: PostGIS
  2. Setting up GeoServer: See this page GeoServer
  3. Loading data into PostGIS
  4. Publishing data with GeoServer
  5. Creating the web map using Openlayers

2013 Jan 14

Got Christian set with OpenVPN to access the Geo-CEG server (dart).

Started work on a map to use (step 1 below)

2012 Dec 24

I am thinking about hosting a Google Hangout to collaboratively learn about it. It will be 4-5pm PST Mondays if it happens. I have the Hangout open right now as a test.


  • I am working with ArcGIS For Server 10.1
  • I have installed it on a CentOS 6.2 server.
  • I am using an EDN developer license.

The to-do list

I will probably use the Benton Solar Map as a test project here. Funny since it was just Winter Solstice and it's very dark and rainy today!

  1. Put together a basic web map.
  2. Add a marker layer.
  3. Allow updates to the marker layer.
  4. I know there used to be several options ie Flex vs Javascript. What are the options now?
  5. ESRI suggests that File Geodatabases are good enough for many applications and may even perform better than ArcSDE based geodatabases. COMPARE
  6. Can I do real GIS work on an ArcGIS Server?
    1. For example, can I upload and run models to do geoprocessing jobs? I mean, does it really work?
    2. What about just running Python scripts without invoking the evil Model Builder?
  7. Can I use PostGIS and ArcGIS Server together smoothly? Or are the rough edges just not worth it?

Basic Web map

2012 DEC 24

Let's say I want a map of Benton County, and I want these layers.

  • Centerlines
  • Railroads
  • Building footprints
  • Parcels
  • Parks
  • Rivers

It would be nice to drop the OregonExplorer air photo in there as a base layer.

Gather together data

For now I am going to drop my random collection of Benton County GIS data into a folder and try to use it.

On dart:

sudo mkdir -p /workspace/OR/BentonCounty
sudo chown -R bwilson /workspace/OR

On kilchis:

cd /g/GISData
rsync --av -exclude \*.zip OR/BentonCounty/ dart:/workspace/OR/BentonCounty

Now how do I see that in the server?

Instructions: ArcGIS 10.1 for Server Help, "How to publish a service"

Immediately they want me to use an ArcMap document. They also say "About connecting to ArcGIS Server in ArcGIS for Desktop". So far I am not liking this. I don't want to be forced train Geo-CEG clients to be ArcGIS Desktop users. Pressing on. I now have to go set up ArcGIS 10.1 For Desktop in a Virtual Machineand that's all I will have time for today.