Using Parcel bundler
Runs code, does "hot module replacement", you can watch what's happening... beautiful.
Except - does not work in Visual Studio -- it does not always see changes.
Except - does not work with Emacs -- unless you turn off autobackup files with this in your .emacs:
(setq make-backup-files nil)
I like backup files but I like hot module replacement even more.
Using Visual Studio
Currently I am using Microsoft Visual Studio. Visual Studio Code looks nice but I don't feel a need to develop new skills right now. One IDE to rule them all and in the darkness bind them! Uh yeah.
I installed the Node.JS workload in VS and installed the (standalone) portable Node.JS package.
Now in VS I can create a web Node.JS project, and I can run and test the complete app on my desktop so I don't need any access to a real web server.
In my VS project, I have to set the Node.exe path to C:\Users\bwilson\Portable\node-v8.11.3-win-x64\node.exe Once I do that it can find the other tools like npm too.
My typical server.js looks like this
var http = require('http'); var port = process.env.PORT || 1337; var path = require('path'), fs = require('fs'); var base = 'C:/GeoModel/WebMaps/OpenlayersApp'; http.createServer(function (req, res) { pathname = base + req.url; if (req.url === '/') { pathname = base + '/index.html'; } console.log(pathname); if (fs.exists(pathname)) { res.writeHead(404); res.write('Page not found 404\n'); res.end(); } else { res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html'); res.statusCode = 200; var file = fs.createReadStream(pathname); file.on("open", function () { file.pipe(res); }); } }).listen(port); console.log("Server running on port ", port);
When I run the project, it launches server js and in turn launches a browser and serves up my index.html. I can click local links therein. I can edit the index.html and hit reload in the browser and ta-da! there's my updated page.
Debugging the client
Refer to
NOTE if you have 15.7 installed: Change in 15.7
I was able to change my default browser to IE and get that going. Good news. Now I need to make it work in Chrome, this guy's page helped me: JavaScript debugging in VisualStudio with Chrome and Chrome's page on the subject.
- Start chrome in remote debug mode: chrome.exe --remote-debugging-port=9222
- Attach Visual Studio: "Debug" -> "Attach to Process..." -> select the chrome instance