ArcGIS Enterprise

From Wildsong
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See also Docker and ArcGIS in Docker, a project I abandoned. Lots of notes there too. Also see older notes on ArcGIS Server.

2019-Oct-25 Have to use ArcGIS Enterprise at work. Have to learn to have fun with it. Discovered command line scripts exist even in Windows version!

2019-Jan-09 (If you have ESRI licenses to run in the cloud) I found this (slightly outdated) set of class notes on running AGE on Amazon AWS: I say "outdated" because they've changed how you deploy to use this CLI utility.

2018-May-05 I am tired of jumping through hoops and my license runs out in a month anyway, so skip it. Won't renew. Using PostGIS and its friends from now on. See Boundless stack.

2018-Apr-29 Today I am installing the "ArcGIS Enterprise Builder for Linux" version 10.6 into a virtual machine running Ubuntu 16.04, on Bellman.

Currently using 10.7.1

ArcGIS DataStore

FAIL: The WEB GUI for the DataStore says there is already a relational store but will not let me connect to it because it's already there.

Relational data is stored in postgresql in c:\arcgis\arcgisdatastore\pgdata and commands are in c:\arcgis\arcgisdatastore\pgsql10.6\bin Note that the "10.6" here refers to the version of Postgres not the version of ArcGIS. Tile caches are stored in couchdb (nosql) on my server they are in c:\arcgis\arcgisdatastore\nosqldata

See c:\Program Files\ArcGIS\DataStore\, for example this command will reveal the location of the data files on your server, I suppose it varies...

cat "$AGSDATASTORE"/etc/
#Thu Oct 24 10:58:06 PDT 2019\:/arcgis/arcgisdatastore/

I can use psql! I can use pg_config, see?

BINDIR = C:/arcgis/ARCGIS~3/pgsql10.6/bin
DOCDIR = C:/arcgis/arcgisdatastore/pgsql10.6/doc
HTMLDIR = C:/arcgis/arcgisdatastore/pgsql10.6/doc
INCLUDEDIR = C:/arcgis/arcgisdatastore/pgsql10.6/include
PKGINCLUDEDIR = C:/arcgis/arcgisdatastore/pgsql10.6/include
INCLUDEDIR-SERVER = C:/arcgis/arcgisdatastore/pgsql10.6/include/server
LIBDIR = C:/arcgis/ARCGIS~3/pgsql10.6/lib
PKGLIBDIR = C:/arcgis/ARCGIS~3/pgsql10.6/lib
LOCALEDIR = C:/arcgis/ARCGIS~3/pgsql10.6/share/locale
MANDIR = C:/arcgis/arcgisdatastore/pgsql10.6/man
SHAREDIR = C:/arcgis/ARCGIS~3/pgsql10.6/share
SYSCONFDIR = C:/arcgis/arcgisdatastore/pgsql10.6/etc
PGXS = C:/arcgis/arcgisdatastore/pgsql10.6/lib/pgxs/src/makefiles/
CONFIGURE = --enable-thread-safety --enable-nls --with-ldap --with-openssl --with-ossp-uuid --with-libxml --with-libxslt --with-icu --with-tcl --with-perl --with-python
CC = not recorded
CPPFLAGS = not recorded
CFLAGS = not recorded
CFLAGS_SL = not recorded
LDFLAGS = not recorded
LDFLAGS_EX = not recorded
LDFLAGS_SL = not recorded
LIBS = not recorded
VERSION = PostgreSQL 10.6

But what port is it running on? This doc says what ports are in use

Lots of juicy information in /c/arcgis/arcgisdatastore/etc/arcgis-data-store-config.json, to wit:

 "datastore.release": "",
 "datastore.release.configstore": "1.4",
 "": "C:\\arcgis\\arcgisdatastore\\",
 "dir.staging": "C:\\arcgis\\arcgisdatastore\\staging",
 "dir.temp": "C:\\arcgis\\arcgisdatastore\\temp",
 "dir.logs": "C:\\arcgis\\arcgisdatastore\\logs",
 "port.http": 9080,
 "port.https": 2443,
 "port.jmx": 9099,
 "webserver.maxheapsize": 512,
 "diskThreshold.warning": 10240,
 "diskThreshold.readonly": 1024,
 "store.relational": {
   "datastore.release": "",
   "datastore.release.configstore": "1.4",
   "": "ds_atjwr8b3",
   "dir.dbdata": "C:\\arcgis\\arcgisdatastore\\pgdata",
   "": "10.6",
   "datastore.release.sde": "10.7.1",
   "datastore.release.geometry": "",
   "datastore.release.geometrylib": "",
   "replication.role": "PRIMARY",
   "replication.method": "ASYNC",
   "dir.backup": "C:\\arcgis\\arcgisdatastore\\backup\\relational",
   "dir.backup.isshared": "false",
   "db.port": 9876,
   "datastore.admindb": "dsadmindb",
   "datastore.lastknownstatus": "Started",
   "localstore.lastknownstatus": "Started",
   "datastore.initstarttime": 1519164852935,
   "datastore.manageddb": "db_0eoas",
   "datastore.registered": true,
   "lastLogScan": 1574755237952
 "healthcheck.enable": true,
 "features": {
   "feature.egdb": true,
   "feature.nosqldb": true,
   "feature.bigdata": false
 "store.tilecache": {
   "datastore.release": "10.7.1",
   "datastore.release.configstore": "1.4",
   "datastore.release.couchdb": "2.1.1",
   "": "tcs_7vqbch1l",
   "dir.dbdata": "C:\\arcgis\\arcgisdatastore\\nosqldata",
   "db.http": 29080,
   "db.https": 29081,
   "datastore.admindb": "dsconfig$",
   "dir.backup": "C:\\arcgis\\arcgisdatastore\\backup\\tilecache",
   "dir.backup.isshared": "false",
   "replication.role": "PRIMARY",
   "datastore.lastknownstatus": "Started",
   "localstore.lastknownstatus": "Started",
   "owningsys.type": "GISSERVER",
   "datastore.initstarttime": 1571939913377,
   "datastore.registered": true,
   "datastore.tilecache.enabled": true,
   "iniLocation": "C:\\arcgis\\arcgisdatastore\\nosqldata\\etc"
 "log.activeManager": "relational",
 "machine.initstarttime": 1571939780518

Looks like psql won't run in a bash shell, but works in powershell. Get passwords using the listadminusers.bat script. Try username 'sde'.

./psql -p 9876 -U sde -c "\l" postgres
Password for user sde:
                                                   List of databases
    Name     |   Owner   | Encoding |          Collate           |           Ctype            |    Access privileges
db_0eoas     | adm_o77v5 | UTF8     | English_United States.1252 | English_United States.1252 |
dsadmindb    | adm_o77v5 | UTF8     | English_United States.1252 | English_United States.1252 |
postgres     | adm_o77v5 | UTF8     | English_United States.1252 | English_United States.1252 |
template0    | adm_o77v5 | UTF8     | English_United States.1252 | English_United States.1252 | =c/adm_o77v5           +
             |           |          |                            |                            | adm_o77v5=CTc/adm_o77v5
template1    | adm_o77v5 | UTF8     | English_United States.1252 | English_United States.1252 | adm_o77v5=CTc/adm_o77v5+
             |           |          |                            |                            | =c/adm_o77v5
template_gdb | sde       | UTF8     | English_United States.1252 | English_United States.1252 |
(6 rows)

I am guessing my datastore relational database is db_0eoas

But there are scripts even on Windows! They are described in this reference. The scripts live here: PS C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\DataStore\tools such as this one


General information of ArcGIS data stores on CC-GIS.CLATSOP.CO.CLATSOP.OR.US
Data store release..................
Staging location....................C:\arcgis\arcgisdatastore\staging
Log location........................C:\arcgis\arcgisdatastore\logs
Free disk space.....................313.00GB
Threshold for READONLY mode.........1024MB

Information for relational data store ds_atjwr8b3
Backup location.....................C:\arcgis\arcgisdatastore\backup\relational
Is backup folder shared.............false
Backup schedule.....................{"schedule-starttime":"00:00:00","schedule-frequency":"Every 4 DAYS"}
Days backup retained................7
Data store status...................Started
member machines.....................CC-GIS.CLATSOP.CO.CLATSOP.OR.US
Maximum connections.................150
Owning system URL...................
Portal for ArcGIS URL...............
Number of connections...............0 connection(s) to managed database
Data Store mode.....................READWRITE
Is Point-in-time recovery enabled...No
Query optimizer enabled.............Yes

Information for tile cache data store tcs_7vqbch1l
Data location.......................C:\arcgis\arcgisdatastore\nosqldata
Data store status...................Started
Backup location.....................C:\arcgis\arcgisdatastore\backup\tilecache
Is backup folder shared.............false
member machines.....................CC-GIS.CLATSOP.CO.CLATSOP.OR.US
Owning system URL...................
Portal for ArcGIS URL...............

Operation completed successfully.

From the describedatastore command I learned there really is still a relational data store in there, it's just not connected up. I think it got disconnected a few months ago. I need a place to stash hosted data so after 10.6 -> 10.7.1 I resurrected it. I probably only need to use the registerdatastore command.

Tile cache

The DataStore also includes a Tile Cache. Prying off the lid and peeking inside I found it's CouchDB running on port 29080. I can see the Fauxton interface, http://cc-gis:29080/_utils but I have to know what my credentials are. StackOverflow suggests looking in local.ini which I found in C:/arcgis/arcgisdatastore/nosqldata/etc/ There is no password. An admin name is in there. There is also a copy in conf/conf.dat I wonder which one to modify? etc/local.ini is newer by a few minutes.

It's easy! Do this as powershell admin user

c:\Program Files\ArcGIS\DataStore\tools\listadminusers.bat and lookie, it exposes all admin and password entries for PostgreSQL and CouchDB DataStore!

Tile cache commands

Since this is CouchDB, all interaction is by REST. It looks pretty generic to me so look at the documentation via Fauxton.

Curiously there do not appear to be any documents stored here. Just a configuration.

Older stuff


Today I noticed error messages about a "weak certificate" in my debug log for OpenLayers. I had to navigate to the server to refresh the certificate (to tell it that a self signed cert was okay in other words.) Once I did that pages loaded again in OpenLayers.

I needed to get "Let's Encrypt" set up on my (Linux based) ArcGIS Server. I did this later on. Note Let's Encrypt only wants to install onto public facing web servers so you will have problems if you have a server that's locked up behind a firewall.

Installing into an Ubuntu VirtualBox VM on Bellman

After installing Ubuntu,

apt update
apt upgrade
apt install emacs-nox build-essential tomcat8 tomcat8-admin

I had to issue the mount command myself to get the VirtualBox additions cdrom to play.

mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom
cd /media/cdrom

Now I take a snapshot once the machine is configured and before installing ArcGIS... vboxmanage snapshot server take before_arcgis

I set the vm to share ~bwilson/Downloads and /green/GIS/Data_Repository

Set up tomcat

Edit /etc/tomcat8/tomcat-users.xml and add a user with the role manager-gui. For example,

<role rolename="manager-gui"/>
<user username="tomcat" password="s3cret" roles="manager-gui"/>

Running the Enterprise Builder

Current advice: never use the Builder. Advice direct from ESRI help desk.

The tarball is already unpacked in Downloads, so I ssh into bellman and

sudo -s
cd /media/sf_Downloads
cd EnterpriseBuilder

The instructions are in HTML format, so I NFS mounted the folder on my Mac and opened the toplevel html file in Firefox.

  • Gather prvc (provisioning files) good luck navigating the ESRI web site!
  • Run ./Setup
  • Get this message
*** DIAG002: Unsupported Linux distribution.  Check the ArcGIS Data
Store System Requirements for supported Linux distributions.

This is like being slapped in the face with a wet Mackerel, since I chose the distribution from ESRI's website. Yep, here it is in the HTML docs too:

 Ubuntu Server LTS 16.04.3

I have this: PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS" Hmmm... that looks okay and in fact their

./Setup -s `pwd`/server.prvc -p '`pwd`/portal.prvc -v
Deploying ArcGIS 10.6 Enterprise Builder requires a minimum of 7.5 GB of RAM. Please contact your system administrator.

Ah.. fixing... bumped it to 10GB. Bellman has 32GB so that should be fine. Now it's giving me more instructions. However clumsy these changes might seem to an experienced Linux user, make them to keep ESRI happy:

adduser arcgis
cat >> /etc/security/limits.conf <<EOF
arcgis soft nofile 65536
arcgis hard nofile 65536
arcgis soft nproc 25059
arcgis hard nproc 25059

/sbin/sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
/sbin/sysctl -w vm.swappiness=1

I edited /etc/hosts to put this line in duster

and I coerced the line to have the domain in it, too.

Log out, log back in as arcgis and check

ulimit -Sn -Hn

Run setup again.

All is in readiness.

arcgis@duster:/media/sf_Downloads/EnterpriseBuilder$ ./Setup -p `pwd`/PortalforArcGIS_594279.prvc -s `pwd`/_ArcGISServer_594278.prvc -v
                  ArcGIS Server 10.6.0 Diagnostic Tool
                            Hostname: duster

 DIAG000: Check for installation as root                       [PASSED]
 DIAG001: Check for 64-bit architecture                        [PASSED]
 DIAG002: Check OS version                                     [PASSED]
 DIAG003: Check hostname for invalid characters                [PASSED]
 DIAG024: Check /etc/hosts for hostname entry                  [PASSED]
 DIAG004: Check installed packages                             [PASSED]
 DIAG005: Check system limits                                  [PASSED]
 DIAG008: Check HTTP port                                      [PASSED]
 DIAG009: Check HTTPS port                                     [PASSED]
 DIAG010: Check Xvfb ports                                     [PASSED]

There were 0 failure(s) and 1 warning(s) found:

*** DIAG024: The hostname entry in the /etc/hosts file must be in the
following format:

	<IP> <FQDN> <Machine_name>

For example:

	111.222.333.444 hostname

Federating an ArcGIS Server site with Portal for ArcGIS will fail if
this entry is formatted differently.  Update the hostname entry before
creating your ArcGIS Server site.

                Portal for ArcGIS 10.6.0 Diagnostic Tool
                            Hostname: duster

 DIAG000: Check for installation as root                       [PASSED]
 DIAG001: Check for 64-bit architecture                        [PASSED]
 DIAG002: Check OS version                                     [PASSED]
 DIAG003: Check hostname for invalid characters                [PASSED]
 DIAG005: Check system limits                                  [PASSED]
 DIAG004: Check installed packages                             [PASSED]
 DIAG016: Check Portal for ArcGIS ports                        [PASSED]
 DIAG024: Check localhost resolution                           [PASSED]
 DIAG029: Check file system type                               [PASSED]

There were 0 failure(s) and 0 warning(s) found:

                ArcGIS Data Store 10.6.0 Diagnostic Tool
                            Hostname: duster

 DIAG000: Check for installation as root                          [PASSED]
 DIAG001: Check for 64-bit architecture                           [PASSED]
 DIAG002: Check OS version                                        [PASSED]
 DIAG003: Check hostname for invalid characters                   [PASSED]
 DIAG004: Check installed packages                                [PASSED]
 DIAG005: Check relational and tile cache data store requirements [PASSED]
 DIAG016: Check ArcGIS Data Store ports                           [PASSED]
 DIAG020: Check hostname IP address mismatches                    [PASSED]
 DIAG029: Check spatiotemporal big data store requirements        [PASSED]

There were 0 failure(s) and 0 warning(s) found:

Enter 'q' to quit or press enter to continue: 

Oh BITE me!

Starting installation of ArcGIS 10.6 Enterprise Builder...
[ArcGIS 10.6 Enterprise Builder Setup Warning]
This setup has detected that the DISPLAY variable has not been set, but the silent UI mode was not selected.
Note: For information on the silent setup UI mode, please run this script with the --help option.

Run setup again!

./Setup -p `pwd`/PortalforArcGIS_594279.prvc -s `pwd`/_ArcGISServer_594278.prvc -v -l yes -m silent

Eventually, after a subtantial wait,

[ArcGIS 10.6 Enterprise Builder Installation Details]
UI Mode......................silent
Agreed to Esri License.......yes
Server Authorization File..../media/sf_Downloads/EnterpriseBuilder/_ArcGISServer_594278.prvc
Portal Authorization File..../media/sf_Downloads/EnterpriseBuilder/PortalforArcGIS_594279.prvc
Installation Directory......./home/arcgis
Install Set..................Typical

Starting installation of ArcGIS 10.6 Enterprise Builder...
...ArcGIS 10.6 Enterprise Builder installation is complete.

Before using ArcGIS 10.6 Enterprise Builder, please navigate to http://duster:6080/arcgis/enterprise to complete the configuration.

Curiously painful step 7

7. In the Web Adaptor URLs panel, enter the URLs for the Web Adaptors ( 
that will be configured with the portal and server components of your deployment.
These Web Adaptors must already be installed and located on the same machine where you ran the ArcGIS Enterprise Builder.

Okay fine. You told me I don't need Web Adaptor in the deployment but now you block configuration. Over and over I read docs that say I don't need it but every time I try to install, I am blocked when I don't have it.

There is a configuration SCRIPT tucked away though, trying that... it requires -ws and -wp options, so, oh well.

tools/configurebasedeployment/ -e [email protected] -fn Brian -ln Wilson -qi 10 -qa 'secret' -u bwilson -p 'secret'

Hence... installing Web Adaptor

Running the Web Adaptor installer

Download and unpack tarball, then ignore the statement that you should be root. Log in as 'arcgis'

cd WebAdaptor
./Setup -v -m silent -l yes -d ~
[ArcGIS Web Adaptor (Java Platform) 10.6 Installation Details]
UI Mode..................silent
Agreed to Esri License...yes
Installation Directory.../home/arcgis/webadaptor10.6

Starting installation of ArcGIS Web Adaptor (Java Platform) 10.6...
Checking for POSIX df.
Found POSIX df.
Checking tail options...
Using tail -n 1.
True location of the self extractor: /media/sf_Downloads/WebAdaptor/WebAdaptor/Linux/Disk1/InstData/VM/install.bin
Creating installer data directory: /tmp/install.dir.32735
Creating installer data directory: /tmp/install.dir.32735/InstallerData
Gathering free-space information...
Space needed to complete the self-extraction: 451436 blocks
Available space: 43131176 blocks
Available blocks: 43131176    Needed blocks: 451436 (block = 512 bytes)
Computed number of blocks to extract: 2192
Extracting JRE from /media/sf_Downloads/WebAdaptor/WebAdaptor/Linux/Disk1/InstData/VM/install.bin to /tmp/install.dir.32735/Linux/resource/jre_padded ...
Extracting done, exit code = 0
Extracting JRE from /tmp/install.dir.32735/Linux/resource/jre_padded to /tmp/install.dir.32735/Linux/resource/vm.tar.Z ...
 Extracting done, exit code = 0
Unpacking the JRE...
gzip is /bin/gzip
 GZIP done.
 TAR done.
Extracting from /media/sf_Downloads/WebAdaptor/WebAdaptor/Linux/Disk1/InstData/VM/install.bin to /tmp/install.dir.32735/InstallerData/installer.padded ...
Extracting to padded done, exit code = 0
Extracting from padded to zip done, exit code = 0

========= Analyzing UNIX Environment =================================
Setting UNIX (linux) flavor specifics.
Importing UNIX environment into LAX properties.
Checking for POSIX awk.

========= Analyzing LAX ==============================================
LAX found............................ OK.
LAX properties read.................. OK.

========= Finding VM =================================================
Valid VM types.......................... 1.6+
Absolute LAX_VM path.................... /tmp/install.dir.32735/Linux/resource/jre/bin/java
Expanded Valid VM types.................  1.6+ 
Unzipping of failed.
Using the Default JVM Search
Searching without JVM specs
* Using VM.....( /tmp/install.dir.32735/Linux/resource/jre/bin/java

========= Virtual Machine Options ====================================
LAX properties incorporated............. OK.
classpath............................... "/tmp/install.dir.32735/InstallerData:/tmp/install.dir.32735/InstallerData/"
main class.............................. "com.zerog.ia.installer.Main"
.lax file path.......................... "/tmp/install.dir.32735/temp.lax"
user directory.......................... "/tmp/install.dir.32735"
stdout to............................... "console"
sterr to................................ "console"
install directory....................... ""
JIT..................................... none
option (verify)......................... off
option (verbosity)...................... none
option (garbage collection extent)...... none
option (garbage collection thread)...... none
option (native stack max size).......... none
option (java stack max size)............ none
option (java heap max size)............. 201326592
option (java heap initial size)......... 16777216
option ( none

========= Display settings ===========================================
X display............................... local
UI mode................................. silent
========= VM Command Line ============================================
options:   -Xmx201326592 -Xms16777216 

========= Forking JAVA =============================================
LAX Version = 16.5
locale being set to: en

[AnalyzeSystemRequirements][install] Start
[AnalyzeSystemRequirements][install] Product=WebAdaptor
[AnalyzeSystemRequirements][checkUserHome] Start
[AnalyzeSystemRequirements][checkUserHome] /home/arcgis exists and is writable!
[AnalyzeSystemRequirements][checkUserHome] Finish
[AnalyzeSystemRequirements][install] Finish
[MiscUtils][getReleaseVersion] Simple version reported by setup: 10.6
[MiscUtils][runCommand][Threaded=false] About to execute: uname -n
[MiscUtils][runCommand][Threaded=false] StdOut Output: duster
[MiscUtils][runCommand][Threaded=false] StdErr Output: Ignored in non-threaded runCommand().
[MiscUtils][runCommand][Threaded=false] Exit Code    : 0
[MiscUtils][getESRIPropFilePath] file path: /home/arcgis/
[ReadESRIPropFile][install] ESRI prop file found at /home/arcgis/
[PropertiesFileWrapper] Open existing prop file: /home/arcgis/
[ReadESRIPropFile] Z_ArcGISServer_INSTALL_DIR=/home/arcgis/server
[ReadESRIPropFile] Z_ArcGISDataStore_INSTALL_DIR=/home/arcgis/datastore
[ReadESRIPropFile] ARCLICENSEHOME=/home/arcgis/server/framework/runtime/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/ESRI/License10.6/sysgen
[ReadESRIPropFile] Z_WebGIS_INSTALL_DIR=/home/arcgis
[ReadESRIPropFile] Z_ArcGISPortal_INSTALL_DIR=/home/arcgis/portal
[ReadESRIPropFile] Z_REAL_VERSION=10.6
[DetermineInstallDirWebAdaptor][install] InstallDir from IA: /home/arcgis/webadaptor10.6
[DetermineInstallDirWebAdaptor][install] Set USER_INSTALL_DIR to: /home/arcgis/webadaptor10.6/java
installUnixJRE:  the source VM tar: /tmp/install.dir.32735/Linux/resource/vm.tar
    exists = true
installUnixJRE:  the source VMRoot: /tmp/install.dir.32735/Linux/resource/jre
    exists = true
installUnixJRE:  the dest VMRoot: /home/arcgis/webadaptor10.6/java/.Setup/jre
    exists = true
# INSTALLING VM: /home/arcgis/webadaptor10.6/java/.Setup/jre

installUnixJRE: Using new TAR technique...
Destination path for tar extraction (sans 'jre') =

installUnixJRE: install shell script:
echo "InstallUnixJRE Script begun..."
cd '/home/arcgis/webadaptor10.6/java/.Setup/jre'
rm -rf  *''
cd '/home/arcgis/webadaptor10.6/java/.Setup'
tar xf '/tmp/install.dir.32735/Linux/resource/vm.tar'
chmod -R '755' '/home/arcgis/webadaptor10.6/java/.Setup/jre'
echo "...InstallUnixJRE Script complete."
##### SCRIPT END ############

XMLScriptWriter: No Installation Objects were skipped
[MiscUtils][getReleaseVersion] Simple version reported by setup: 10.6
[MiscUtils][runCommand][Threaded=false] About to execute: uname -n
[MiscUtils][runCommand][Threaded=false] StdOut Output: duster
[MiscUtils][runCommand][Threaded=false] StdErr Output: Ignored in non-threaded runCommand().
[MiscUtils][runCommand][Threaded=false] Exit Code    : 0
[MiscUtils][getESRIPropFilePath] file path: /home/arcgis/
[getCurrentESRIPropFilePath][install] Set ESRI_PROP_FILE_PATH to: /home/arcgis/
[ReadESRIPropFile][install] ESRI prop file found at /home/arcgis/
[PropertiesFileWrapper] Open existing prop file: /home/arcgis/
[ReadESRIPropFile] Z_ArcGISServer_INSTALL_DIR=/home/arcgis/server
[ReadESRIPropFile] Z_ArcGISDataStore_INSTALL_DIR=/home/arcgis/datastore
[ReadESRIPropFile] ARCLICENSEHOME=/home/arcgis/server/framework/runtime/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/ESRI/License10.6/sysgen
[ReadESRIPropFile] Z_WebGIS_INSTALL_DIR=/home/arcgis
[ReadESRIPropFile] Z_ArcGISPortal_INSTALL_DIR=/home/arcgis/portal
[ReadESRIPropFile] Z_REAL_VERSION=10.6
[PropertiesFileWrapper] Open existing prop file: /home/arcgis/
[PropFileUtils][setProperty] Set Z_WebAdaptor_INSTALL_DIR to /home/arcgis/webadaptor10.6/java in file /home/arcgis/
[PropertiesFileWrapper][save] Saving /home/arcgis/
[PropertiesFileWrapper] Open existing prop file: /home/arcgis/
[PropFileUtils][setProperty] Set Z_REAL_VERSION to 10.6 in file /home/arcgis/
[PropertiesFileWrapper][save] Saving /home/arcgis/
[WriteESRIPropFile][install] PRODUCT_NAME: WebAdaptor
[PropertiesFileWrapper] Open existing prop file: /home/arcgis/
[PropertiesFileWrapper][save] Saving /home/arcgis/
[PropertiesFileWrapper][save] Saving /home/arcgis/
[PropertiesFileWrapper][save] Saving /home/arcgis/
Retrying Installables deferred in pass 0
Deferral retries done because: 
There were no deferrals in the last pass.
...ArcGIS Web Adaptor (Java Platform) 10.6 installation is complete.

Post-install work

Take another snapshot once it's running.

Set up the services to start automatically at boot. Or do it by hand...

ssh arcgis@duster


When editing in ArcMap by default all edits are versioned.

"Change Version" is disabled (greyed out)

You can't change versions while an edit session is active.

"I can't edit a table because it's not versioned"

Publishing a layer

Registration: I want the data to continue living in SQL Server so first I have to tell the server about it. They call this process registering.

More on publishing here: Publishing data in ArcGIS Enterprise