All Star Link
From Wildsong
ASL 3 just came out and it's based on Asterisk 20. Wow, that's a big leap forward for that project. I rejected ASL because it was based on an antique version of Asterisk.
Notes on initial setup
I'm using a new Pi 5 which I have named "ASL", I put a reservation for its addresses (asl.local and asl-wifi.local) into pihole on Bellman.
I moved basic setup to Pi 5, go there then return here.
Remove cockpit, I have no use for it, it requires apache2 and apache2 burns up memory and opens up more attack surface.
sudo apt-get remove cockpit apache2 sudo apt-get autoremove
Removing apache2 breaks allmon3 which might change my mind on that, but I'd prefer to run it on nginx if it comes to that.