GDAL on Windows
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Unpack someplace convenient. D:/Brian/gdal-1.7.3/
I think you will need the current Windows version of Swig too.
I unpacked it into D:/Brian/swigwin-2.0.1/
Open in Visual Studio and build
I had to put the VS2010 disc in and install C++ so that I could open the vcxproj files. When I originally installed, I only loaded up C#.
Then I can simply doubleclick on makegdal10.sln
Change installation destination. By default it is C:\warmerda\bld I change it to C:\GDAL by editing GDAL_HOME in "Make Files\nmake.opt"
I set this: MSVC_VER=1600
I am currently using ArcGIS 9.3.1, which installed Python 2.5 for me, so I want to build modules for that. So I edit PYDIR in nmake.opt to set it to C:\Python25
For Swig, I used this: SWIG = "D:\Brian\swigwin-2.0.1\swig.exe"
I am building on a 64 bit machine but ArcGIS is only 32-bit. Not sure what to do, so for now I leave WIN64 alone. (Commented out)
I will need to edit this further to support other formats, MrSid for instance.
Finally, I set the thing in Release mode and say Build. Man, it sure does produce a lot of messages. Not much chance I can read all that. Heh. These are the important lines to me:
1>------ Rebuild All started: Project: makegdal, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ ========== Rebuild All: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========
I now check the output in C:\GDAL\bin, I set GDAL_DATA to C:\GDAL\data, add C:\GDAL\bin to PATH and try running a few of the commands in bin and things appear to work.
Build ArcObjects plugin
This lets me access ESRI format data objects like "file geodatabases".
Build Python modules
I need swig.exe for this. I need to set the environment appropriately, per Swig docs
PYTHON_INCLUDE : Set this to the directory that contains python.h PYTHON_LIB : Set this to the python library including path for linking
Example using Python 2.5:
PYTHON_INCLUDE: C:\Python25\include PYTHON_LIB: C:\Python25\libs\python25.lib