Building GDAL on Linux
Building 1.8.0 to get support for Geospatial PDF files.
Downloaded RC2 tarball.
This gets me what I need (there are many more options):
./configure --with-python make sudo make install
Building gdal 1.7.3 so I can have gdal python bindings, so I can reclassify a raster. In another window, I am running a very simple ESRI Spatial Analyst reclassification, but it's taking so long that I can probably build gdal and write a python script to do the same thing before the ESRI tool completes.
(I assume the ESRI tool crashed but as usual, I have no way of knowing.)
I had to add C++ to my system. Compiling.
Oh -- gdal built successfully. Installing it. Done. Updated system path.
Trying to build Python bindings now, what a pain! In the meantime, I clicked "cancel" button, perhaps in a few hours I will know if ArcMap crashed or not. (See comment above about failure of cancel button to cancel...)