Learning SQL

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I am taking a class through OSU right now on SQL. I am taking notes here.

I am using PostgreSQL so it will be a different experience for me than for everyone else.

lesson 01

I am using my home server, bellman.

psql -U postgres
\c esql
CustomerID INTEGER Primary Key NOT NULL,
FirstName CHAR(50) NOT NULL,
LastName CHAR(50) NOT NULL,
HomePhone CHAR(20),
Address CHAR(50),
State CHAR(02),
City CHAR(30),
PostalCode INTEGER

This SQL is valid in PostgreSQL but it converts everything to lower case. It automatically creates an index on the field with the primary key.

esql=# \d customer
        Table "public.customer"
   Column   |     Type      | Modifiers 
 customerid | integer       | not null
 firstname  | character(50) | not null
 lastname   | character(50) | not null
 homephone  | character(20) | 
 address    | character(50) | 
 state      | character(2)  | 
 city       | character(30) | 
 postalcode | integer       | 
   "customer_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (customerid)

The INSERT statements give worked perfectly.

Somethings I learned:

  • There is a type "money".
  • To insert a value as type money you have the cast it like this:
INSERT INTO table (price) VALUES (CAST('100.0' AS MONEY));

Almost does not seem worth the effort... :-) It does put in the $ for you in SELECT statements,

It turns out you can simply quote it, like a DATE it figures it out.

INSERT INTO table (price) VALUES '100.0');
  • Use DATE instead of DATETIME

Supplementary text http://www.iwanttolearnsql.com/SQLSimplified.htm