EPSG projection codes
From Wildsong
I keep this page around so that I have a quick reference list of codes that I use regularly.
- EPSG:2913: NAD83(HARN) / Oregon North (ft) Benton County
- EPSG:2914: NAD83(HARN) / Oregon South (ft)
- EPSG:32026: NAD27 / Oregon North City of Corvallis (old)
- EPSG:32027: NAD27 / Oregon South
- EPSG:2992: Oregon Lambert (ft)
- EPSG:2994: NAD83(HARN) / Oregon Lambert (ft)
- EPSG 3857: Spherical Mercator (aka "Web Mercator")
- EPSG:4269: NAD83 WGS84 what my GPS receivers give me
- EPSG 4326: Unprojected WGS84 what OpenStreetMap uses
See http://spatialreference.org if you need more.