Arc Hydro
The book
I have "Arc Hydro, GIS for Water Resources" dated 2002 edited by David R. Maidment. It is for surface water.
Now there's a newer book "Arc Hydro for Ground Water", 2011 but I don't have that one. Aquifers, wells, and subsurface water.
Where to get the software
The book came with a CDROM but it's old. Instead of even looking at it, download the correct version of Arc Hydro for your version of ArcGIS Desktop from
Do I want the 32-bit or 64-bit version? I installed 64-bit "Background Geoprocessing" so I am trying 64-bit first.
The work
- Watershed basin delineation with LiDAR
- Precipitation and runoff
- Water rights
- Linear referencing
Stream gages
SO fine. I found the USGS NWIS web site and used it to look up the closest stream gaging station. I found the one on Copeland Creek. But how does it WORK?
It's maintained by the county. It has a solar powered transmitter with what looks like a dual polarity 900 MHz SCADA antenna and possibly a temperature sensor.
ESRI Hydrology community page
Arc Hydro for Ground Water wiki:
GIS For Water Resources: