GDAL reference
General notes
It can be helpful to run gdalwarp with the commandline option "--debug on" in which case the debug output should include the PROJ.4 rendering of the source and destination coordinate system.
At a very low level you can also define the PROJ_DEBUG environment variable to the value ON and PROJ.4 will report some details on what datum files are opened.
Clip or Extract
If you want to clip a rectangle out of a larger raster, for example to remove the collar from a scanned map, you can use gdal_translate but only if the input raster is not in a spherical projection. (For example, if it's in WGS84 (EPSG 4326) this will work.)
If the data is not projected you can use a gdal_translate command with either projwin or srcwin specifying a window on the command line.
If it is projected it will fail.
Using a mask
This tutorial shows how to use a shapefile to clip a raster:
I want to use the neatline from a GeoPDF to remove the collar from a USGS scanned map. To do this, I need to make a polygon in a shapefile from the points in the neatline.
Raster polygons smaller than a provided threshold size (in pixels) and replaces replaces them with the pixel value of the largest neighbour polygon. The result can be written back to the existing raster band, or copied into a new file.
Map algebra
Data conversion
Raster colorspaces conversion
Raster to Raster
Use gdal_translate
Raster to Polygon
Vector to Raster
X,Y Table to Vector File
Import data from GPX file to File Geodatabase
This has to be better than using the standard ESRI tool! First, install the FileGDB support. See Building GDAL on a Mac for example.
Copy the file from the Garmin then run it through the filter.
EPSG:4152 is HARN Cal State III in feet
cp /Volumes/GARMIN/Garmin/GPX/Current/Current.gpx . GPXNAME=`date +"gpx_%Y-%m-%d"` PROJ="EPSG:4152" FGDB="ws_gpx.gdb" ogr2ogr -f FileGDB ${GPXNAME}_track_points Current.gpx tracks
Other useful options: -lco "FEATURE_DATASET=foo" would create a feature dataset called "foo" and put the feature class into it.
Data management
To reproject data, use gdalwarp
I had trouble going from NAD83HARN to NAD27. Using --debug on reveals no datum is defined, even though it is in the SID.
OGRCT: Source: +proj=lcc +lat_1=44.33333333333334 +lat_2=46 +lat_0=43.66666666666666 +lon_0=-120.5 +x_0=2500000 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +units=m +no_defs
I can override the source SRS on the command line, which gives me same results when I define it as HARN. When I override it and leave out the HARN, it finds the datum correctly. This is a bug.
OGRCT: Source: +proj=lcc +lat_1=44.33333333333334 +lat_2=46 +lat_0=43.66666666666666 +lon_0=-120.5 +x_0=2500000 +y_0=0 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs
Still no go, so I try referring to
The gdal_merge command creates a single raster output from several inputs. It does this the old-fashioned way by copying pixels.
Build raster catalog
(Or, "what is a VRT")
In GDAL world this is called a VRT = Virtual Dataset (which in my mind would abbreviate to "VD" but no one asked me.)
To build one you can use gdalbuildvrt
I think it creates a small file referencing the members of the dataset, which can then be processed by GDAL commands that accept only one input file.
To build a vector contour layer from an elevation dataset, use gdal_contour
I got data for Vallejo area and built a 1' contour layer using this command:
ls -1 *.tif > list.txt gdalbuildvrt -input_file_list list.txt napa.vrt gdal_contour -i 1 -a elevation napa.vrt napa_contour.shp
Raster surfaces
To generate raster surfaces from an elevation dataset, use gdaldem
The list of surfaces you can generate includes
- hillshade
- color relief
- shaded relief
- slope
- aspect
- terrain ruggedness index
- topographic position index
- roughness