Docker for Geoprocessing

From Wildsong
Revision as of 18:24, 25 March 2020 by Brian Wilson (talk | contribs)
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I am trying to get Geoprocessing jobs to run inside Docker so that they are more portable and easier to reuse across different machines.


COVID19 hit so I had to get set up to work at home. I had already been using git so my code was up there.

On my home computer Murre which runs Windows 10, I needed to install

What else? I'll add as I think of it.

VSCode extensions that I currently have installed

  • Debugger for Chrome
  • Docker
  • Python
  • Remote Development pack (includes Remote-Containers and Remote-SSH extensions)

Python in VSCode

At home I have to install a virtual environment, in a Terminal, I do python3 -m venv .venv and then pip install -r requirements.txt

Then I can run the debugger on local projects.

Python in Docker container in VSCode

Start with a project that works like git clone When you open the project folder in VScode it should now offer to restart in Docker. Click "Restart" and wait while it downloads images and starts. Then open a Terminal and you should see a prompt similar to this: vscode@c52318f7383c:/workspaces/vscode-remote-try-python$

Now you can set a breakpoint in for example and run with F5. "print" statements will output to the TERMINAL window.

The story so far

The big picture is to create an elevation surface and then contours for Clatsop County from LiDAR data provided by DOGAMI.


I created Wildsong/lidar_downloader] to download all the data for the county and got it working. This does no geoprocessing, it just grabs files from a remote server using a CSV full of URLs so it's not in a Docker (yet). Now I have data at home to work with.


I unpacked the zips here: /d/GIS/OR/DOGAMI/ClatsopCounty


I am going to build VRT files using GDAL, so now I need the Docker. I've created a Github project called Wildsong/geoprocessing.