FEIT dimmers
Tuya provides chips and an environment to support them, both development tools and cloud/app support.
Many IoT products are Tuya inside, and they work through the cloud-based Tuya management app.
This means when for example when you are sitting on your couch and it's getting dark and you want to switch on your living room light via Home Assistant, the commands have to go up to Tuya's web site and then back down through your gateway to your living room. It works fine but I'd like the data to all stay inside my house.
Espressif based devices
TWYE2S cpu
This chip has the signals on on edge.
The ESP12F has more signals brought out to the edges but they won't interfere with anything when replacing a TWYE2S. It's a matter of squeezing it into the space.
I need some photos here I guess.
Documentation for TYWE2S https://developer.tuya.com/en/docs/iot/wifie2smodule?id=K9605u79tgxug
TWYE3S cpu
This chip is pretty much identical to an ESP12.
It is found in Martin Jerry S-01 switches and SD-TC01 dimmers.
Beken BK7231t
This processor is newer and pin compatible with the TWYE2S. It's an ARM processor not ESP, so it requires a different toolchain.
Tuya has a toolchain for it, IoTOS. https://github.com/tuya/tuya-iotos-embeded-sdk-wifi-ble-bk7231t
So does Beken, http://docs.bekencorp.com:8191/v3.0/index.html
Has 2 UARTs Supports JTAG
Martijn has a good page, https://martijnvwezel.com/blogs/smartconnect/
Sample application: Fully-Functional Smart Indoor Garden - Hackster.io
Martin Jerry products
S-01 switches
Internally these are close to the same as the dimmer SD-01, and I set them up with ESPHome. They use the TWYE3S (ESP12F style) processor.
mj1 front door mj2 laundry mj3 library mj4 on the bench, possibly fried due to misconnection
I have 3 converted to ESPHome and installed them.
I soldered a header onto the back of each controller at the pads marked CN-1 and used Dupont wires to connect it to the programmer (which is just a 3V3 UART-USB really.) The Espressif Programmer was not pulling GPIO0 down for some reason so I had to unhook that wire and manually ground the input.
How did you fry that S-01, Brian?
I hooked up the ESP-PROG while the board was connected to mains. Tsk. It burned out both the TWYE2S and the ESP-PROG. This after successfully reprogramming 3 others. The _actual_ problem I was trying to troubleshoot was that I did a bad job soldering on the header I use for programming these. Tsk again.
Notes on the DIMMER model, SD01, https://tasmota.github.io/docs/devices/Martin-Jerry-MJ-SD01/ ESP8266 TYWE3S MCU pinouts https://tasmota.github.io/docs/devices/TYWE3S/ NOTE THE DIAGRAMS SHOW THE BOTTOM VIEW WHICH IS NOT ACCESSIBLE ON THE HARDWARE. Key off the "TEST" point just visible at the edge.
Programming header connector
I think I have to hold GPIO0 low on boot to enter programming mode, and the ESP-PROG is not doing that for me.
It has a bicolor red/blue LED, each LED connected to the MCU by a 4.7K resistor.
SS-01 switches
Not even unpacked yet! These are still Tuya based but have a Beken processor in them instead of the ESP8285 used in the older ones. This means it can't be programmed with ESPHome and I will have to use a different toolchain for them. I feel like I need a new page for them, maybe it goes here: Tuya.
They are easy to recognize as they are in a smaller case with screw terminals versus the bare wires sticking out the back of the S-01 model.
They still have red and blue LEDs but on this switch they are separated so you get two distinct colors instead of red or blue or purple on the S-01.
SD-TC01 Dimmers
This is product still has the Tuya TWYE3S processor, so they can be programmed with ESPhome.
I have not decided if it's easier to remove the entire module and stick it in my ESP12x programmer or to try to solder wires and cut traces. I have a hot air rework station ordered and will probably try the removal just because it should be easy and hey, I bought it for projects like this!
Unlike the FEIT Electric dimmers, these can't directly support 3 way switch set ups.
Feit Electrics dimmers
For me these are advantageous when installed in 3 way circuits and my house has a lot of those. You can put a dimmer at each end or a regular switch at the far end. Now that they are down to $10 and Decora 3-way switches are $4 and 4-way are $15 it's not really worth replacing a toggle with a dumb Decora in some places, like the dining room and stairs.
Reflashing these can be done by removing the WiFi chip or by attaching wires and cutting a trace. I tried removal and failed.
Currently they are deployed in
- bathroom,
- kitchen island,
- breakfast area aka "nook",
- living room,
- dining room.
I just replaced one in guest bathroom with a Maestro motion sensor switch, so now it's a spare for now. I pulled it apart to learn how to flash it and I think I fried the CPU.
I bought 2 more today because they are on sale at Costco now for 2 for $20. 3/13/22 Whee! More hardware to break!
To be installed, possibly
- upper hallway (3 switches)
- stairs (2 switches)
- 2nd switch in dining room
TWY2S pinout on the front, left to right
RST A0 I3 D4 D5
on the back, left to right
3V3 GND TX RX 12 14
There are some other marked pads (test points) not on the edge including
Tasmota - https://github.com/blakadder/templates/issues/402 says it's unstable.
A set of components, https://github.com/nuttytree/ESPHome-Devices including Feit dimmers https://github.com/nuttytree/ESPHome-Devices/tree/master/components/tuya_light_plus
This is an ESP8266 device that can be reflashed to work with ESPHome or Tasmota.
They were available in 3 packs from Costco (online) for $45, so $15 each which seemed a reasonable deal to me. I have 6 now. Currently I have them using the Home Assistant integration as Tuya devices.
Found this thread about reflashing. https://community.smartthings.com/t/costco-cheap-feit-smart-dimmer-wifi/208142/21 Also notes you can replace the ESP board with an ESP-01 if you want.
Reddit posting These are Tuya compatible.
2022-01 I have one torn down but have not gotten it reflashed yet. I pulled the CPU module off the board. (As opposed to trying to program it soldered to the board, which is probably the easier route.)
Basic 'normal' set up
- Register a Tuya account and log in.
- Add the Tuya integration to HA.
- Install the Tuya "Smart Life" app and launch it. (There is also a "TuyaSmart" app, both are supported in HA, I don't know the difference.)
- Power up the new dimmer.
- Configure it with Smart Life.
- Now it will just pop up in HA and you can treat it like any other HA device.
Tuya developer site https://developer.tuya.com/en/
Beken developer site http://www.bekencorp.com/index/goods/product.html
"Best pins to use" https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp8266-pinout-reference-gpios/
Power sense information https://github.com/cbpowell/ESPSense/wiki