W6GKD is my call sign and it's also the name of a virtual server that hosts w6gkd.radio
Currently it runs Debian 11
The rood address w6gkd.radio is proxied in Cloudflare. For direction connection via ssh use w6gkd.w6gkd.radio
2022-04-24 Upgraded to CS-2 machine, giving me 1GB RAM and 30GB filespace. ($2.5 -> $4/month) 2021-12-24 Provisioned at Debian 10.04 then upgraded immediately to Bullseye (Debian 11)
Enabled swap
While I wait for the CS-1 to CS-2 upgrade, and while experiencing lockups due to memory exhaustion, I enabled swap.
fallocate -l 1g /mnt/1GiB.swap chmod 600 /mnt/1GiB.swap mkswap /mnt/1GiB.swap swapon /mnt/1GiB.swap echo '/mnt/1GiB.swap swap swap defaults 0 0' | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab
free total used free shared buff/cache available Mem: 471680 276880 15992 1884 178808 180696 Swap: 1048572 67156 981416 ^^^^^ yep - doing "docker-compose up" hits swap space.
Packages installed
sudo certbot python-certbot-dns-cloudflare-doc python3-certbot-dns-cloudflare postfix postgrey
Docker installed from https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/debian/
I stood up an instance of nginx to get things tested using the command
docker run --name w6gkd -v /home/bwilson/html:/usr/share/nginx/html:ro -p 80:80 -d nginx
Since https://w6gkd.radio/ is proxied through Cloudflare I did not have to set up HTTPS. This is convenient. But it means traffic between Cloudflare and Tektonic is not encrypted yet.