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I am interested in RISC V and this seemed like a good way to get my hands on one. (Or 5)

I have 5 AI-Thinker ESP-C3-12F chips and a DOITING programmer thingie that I can pop them into. It's like this one, I don't remember where I bought it. It breaks out the pins and has a ESP-01S 2x4 pin socket and gives me a USB connection.

Single core processor, 4MB flash, 400K ram

Development options


Rust and Tock Looks interesting but clearly it's early days for this one. I will get my feet under me first.

Micropython This is the obvious starting point for me because it's Python.

ESP-IDF This is probably the best option for serious work for example sticking a C3 in a light switch.

Arduino The Arduino option is the most practical but dull. :-)


Download from [email protected]:espressif/esptool.git

Plug in the board and figure out what port it shows up on.

Mac OS

On the Mac, where it does not work.

ls /dev/tty.*
/dev/tty.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port	/dev/tty.usbserial-0001


On Windows, after installing the CP2102 driver from Silicon Labs, and the pyserial module,

conda activate esphome
conda install pyserial
python --port com4 erase

Coolest feature of this chip?


Compatible with old Esp12F?

6 channels of PWM

BLE 5.0?

RTC + 4 different power modes

Temperature sensor