Talking to the Magnavox

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NMEA from the Magnavox

NMEA strings are pouring in at 9600 bps on the serial port; I can see them in a minicom window. It looks like a NMEA message comes in once per second.

I installed a copy of gpsd, a dandy program no doubt, but the Magnavox is sending strings it does not understand. Alas, I will have to READ THE MANUAL.

$PMVXG,052,  3.4515,*57                                                         
$PMVXG,100,05,10,052,38,47,,,,D5,  + ,-000.871,,,*05                            
$PMVXG,100,06,29,103,19,45,,,,71,  + ,0003.445,,,*6A                            
$PMVXG,100,07,30,190,25,45,,,,92,  + ,0000.011,,,*6D                            
$PMVXG,052,  3.4514,*56                                                         
$PMVXG,100,09,26,118,13,42,,,,77,  + ,0003.917,,,*61                            
$PMVXG,100,11,16,315,21,44,,,,03,  + ,0000.257,,,*6C                            
$PMVXG,100,12,18,197,23,46,,,,A3,  + ,0002.088,,,*1A                            
$PMVXG,052,  3.4513,*51                                                         
$PMVXG,052,  3.4512,*50                                                         

A few resources

gpsd a daemon that reads nmea data
Python GPS project
Python serial library