Martin Jerry
I have some switches (S-01 and SS-01) and some dimmers (SD-01)
According to you can load a generic ESPhome image and then use OTA thereafter.
S-01 Switch
The ESPhome page for the device is here.
My notes say I have 4 of these.
I think this is the one with 4 wires sticking out of the back. digiBlur did a long boring tear down video. (Thanks!! :-)
It has a TYWE3S Tuya module in it. I think I was imagining putting an ESP32C3 module in there, I bought a batch of them?
SS-01 Switch
The ESPhome page for the device is here.
I have managed to reprogram 2 of these but can't remember how I did it right now.
This one has nice screw terminals instead of captive wires.
SD-01 Dimmer
On ESPhome page: