All Star Link

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Revision as of 04:50, 6 July 2024 by Brian Wilson (talk | contribs)
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ASL 3 just came out and it's based on Asterisk 20. Wow, that's a big leap forward for that project. I rejected ASL because it was based on an antique version of Asterisk.

Notes on initial setup

I'm using a new Pi 5 which I have named "ASL", I put a reservation for its addresses (asl.local and asl-wifi.local) into pihole on Bellman.

I have an NVME adapter on order, should come in 3 days. Until then I decided to just mess around with an SD card. Getting an operating system onto the NVME is a trick. You install a full GUI onto an SD card and then run the Raspberry Pi Imager and target the NVME. This is the easiest way, really. It's a squeeze to get an SD card into the Pi when it has the NVME adapter installed because the ribbon cable gets in the way. You can set the Pi to boot first from the NVME or the SD, so it's possible to just leave the SD card in there "for next time" or as a rescue disk.

In raspi-config,

  1. Enable serial login under "3 Interfaces"; I do this so that I can work from the kitchen counter with the Pi Debug Module as a serial interface.
  2. Enable login over ssh

Remove cockpit, I have no use for it, it requires apache2 and apache2 burns up memory and opens up more attack surface.

sudo apt-get remove cockpit apache2
sudo apt-get autoremove

Removing apache2 breaks allmon3 which might change my mind on that, but I'd prefer to run it on nginx if it comes to that.

WiFi did not get set up during installation. I did it with command line, like this

sudo nmcli d wifi connect "wildsong" password "YOUR SECRET HERE" ifname wlan0

Disable ipv6 by adding this to /etc/sysctl.conf

# Disabling the IPv6
net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1
net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6 = 1
net.ipv6.conf.lo.disable_ipv6 = 1

Now I have to remember something about Asterisk. Ha. I guess I should go read the ASL project page[1].