Rename a volume group
I have two disks (one is a 'dd' copy of the other) and so they have identical volume names '/dev/magnia'. How do I change one?
Short answer: It is impossible. Using the UUID does not work!
Long answer: you have to have only one drive hooked up, boot from a rescue disk, and do it there. This sucks.
How do I shrink everything to fit on a smaller hard drive?
Figure out what space you want to make the partition before you start.
Preen: fsck /dev/magniatmp/root
Remove journal, turning the filesystem from ext3 to ext2 tune2fs -O ^has_journal /dev/magniatmp/root
Preen again: e2fsck -f /dev/magniatmp/root
Resize the filesystem: resize2fs /dev/magniatmp/root 10000M
Note the block count and size returned by resize command: 2560000 and 4k
There is also a swap space on this volume group, I can remove it for now and recreate it later. lvremove /dev/magniatmp/swap_1
bc 2560000*4 10240000 lvresize -L 10240000 /dev/magniatmp/root
Create new journal to convert back to ext3: tune2fs -j /dev/magniatmp/root