GDAL reference
If you want to clip a rectangle out of a larger raster, for example to remove the collar from a scanned map, you can use gdal_translate but only if the input raster is not in a spherical projection. (For example, if it's in WGS84 (EPSG 4326) this will work.)
If the data is not projected you can use a gdal_translate command with either projwin or srcwin specifying a window on the command line.
If it is projected it will fail.
Using a mask
Data management
Data conversion
Use gdal_translate
Projections =
To reproject data, use gdalwarp
The gdal_merge command creates a single raster output from several inputs. It does this the old-fashioned way by copying pixels.
Build raster catalog
(Or, "what is a VRT")
In GDAL world this is called a VRT = Virtual Dataset (which in my mind would abbreviate to "VD" but no one asked me.)
To build one you can use gdalbuildvrt
I think it creates a small file referencing the members of the dataset, which can then be processed by GDAL commands that accept only one input file.
To build a vector contour layer from an elevation dataset, use gdal_contour
Raster surfaces
To generate raster surfaces from an elevation dataset, use gdaldem
The list of surfaces you can generate includes
- hillshade
- color relief
- shaded relief
- slope
- aspect
- terrain ruggedness index
- topographic position index
- roughness