Setting up ArcGIS For Server on Linux
I have written extensively on the details of chosing a server and configuring it elsewhere.
Once I had the hardware configured and Linux installed, the installation of the server software was uneventful.
What I want you to know here
Which Linux? CentOS
The ESRI requirements call for using Redhat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) or Suse.
I used the latest version of CentOS and had no problems. Centos is VERY CLOSE to RHEL. I have used commercial Redhat in the past and I recommend it if you want / require commercial support. If you are comfortable going it on your own, use CentOS.
Another option is Oracle Linux. It's also Redhat based and works on a support / subscription basis. I'd consider that if I were using Oracle's database instead of PostgreSQL. (Like, if I win the lottery and don't know what to do with all that cash. PostgreSQL is easier to use than Oracle.)
Which database engine? NONE so far. =
It used to be that you HAD TO HAVE a database as the back end for ArcGIS Server. NOW they say you should use file geodatabases unless you really have to have a database. I find this strange but as yet I have not set up a database connection.
If your use case is work on desktop and publish results on Web then that works I suppose.
I am assuming I want the server because I will be doing all my work there.
I intend to use the same PostgreSQL instance that I will be using for the open source solution.