Data Driven Pages
This is a feature of ArcGIS Desktop that lets you create a map series based on an index. The index has polygons that define the extent of each page in the series. The index can be a grid or a strip (eg following a river channel) or really any random series of rectangles defining each page.
Let's say I want to create a map series for a long bike ride. I'd do a common layout and then define the extent of each leg of the ride.
- I create a route in Garmin's BaseCamp. Make sure you create enough via points.
- Select the route and then File->Export "Selected User Data"
- Save the route as a GPX file
- Convert the route to a track and then select the track.
- File->Export "Selected User Data"
- Save the track as another GPX file
- In ArcGIS, use tool "GPX to features (Conversion)" to convert the route and track.
The track is for a visual reference. The route is for creating the index.
Creating the index
Page definition queries
A page definition query allows you to control what shows up on a given page.
Can I have an overview dataframe appear on each map?
Can I rotate each map so that I have direction of travel instead of north up?
Can I turn layers on or off on a page?
Can I turn on or off features like north arrows or scale bars?
Can I have a block of text appear on only certain pages? For example, attribution for a layer.