Kenwood TM-D710A
Mobile rig
- Kenwood TM-D710A dual band radio
- Larsen 2/70 antenna with NMO base
- PowerStream battery 10A back up unit
- Rigrunner with USB outlets
- 7AH SLA battery for back up power.
2015-Sep-19 Installed
2015-Sep-xx Installed base and mic in Yaris, no longer bounces along on the floor behind seats. Radio is under cargo deck. Mic bracket is on center console.
2012-Nov-11 Terminated coax with crimp on PL-259 connector from Fry's
Transceiver goes behind driver seat.
NMO base with RG58U coax Coax is routed from the middle of the roof where I punched a hole to the rear of the car and down the left side c pillar under the trim panels and pops out from under the driver's side rear seat panel.
Routed a 10g pair of wires from the battery through a rubber plug on the firewall near the main ECU. Wire goes through console under carpet and pops out under where the rear seat would be. Seat was removed and stored away in the garage and replaced with a cargo deck.
There are fuses on each wire power and ground at the battery. The wires terminate in an Anderson Powerpole 45A connector.