From Wildsong
"Vagrant" is a system for managing virtual machines.
You set up a config file that sets up the vm, including installing packages and configuration settings.
Normally I run Parallels to use virtual machines on my Mac, but as of version 11, I have to pony up another $20 to get the pro version for Vagrant, and there is no current Debian provider. So I am going back to using VirtualBox for now.
Building a custom box
Vastra development machine
I need to be able to run a test machine on the Mac so that I can go offline in Gold Beach. And maybe so that I don't mess up our phones every time I get crazy testing.
cd ~/Projects mkdir vastra-debian cd vastra-debian vagrant init deb/jessie-amd64 vagrant up --provider virtualbox vagrant ssh
I also need to be able to simulate a target machine, one stripped down to the minimal requirements to run Vastra.
cd ~/Projects mkdir vastra-target cd vastra-target vagrant init deb/jessie-amd64 vagrant up --provider virtualbox vagrant ssh