Presence Detection
From Wildsong
Unifi is this Ubiquiti thing where you run a Unifi server (for example on Bellman on port 8443) and
it watches all the supported WiFi APs on your LAN and lets you manage all of them from one place.
In my case it's just one AP right now. I live in a small house, it's all I need.
I can run python scripts to pull data from the UniFi server, see
This is pure coolness.
sudo pip install unifi ./unifi-ls-clients -c bellman -u readonlyuser -p YOURPASSWORDHERE -v v5 -s default NAME MAC AP CHAN RSSI RX TX vastra-preseed 3c:15:c2:dd:15:9c eLab 60 47 400 400 SqueezeboxRadio 00:04:20:2a:c6:3f eLab 6 39 54 54 android-e6e08e8b3a7b051f a0:0b:ba:e8:c5:8a eLab 6 38 39 65 Swift 60:c5:47:00:90:5a eLab 60 32 162 117 android-d16cb9f5371c2cf6 30:85:a9:5b:af:57 eLab 6 27 6 63