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Currently installing on Dart.

BBB is a conferencing system, it supports what I need to replace Google Hangouts. It is a "learning conference system" which means it is designed for delivering presentations over the Internet (like a classroom).

Some features

  • Audio teleconferencing (via freeswitch)
  • Presenter and viewers can share output of web cam.
  • Presenter can display slides, and mark them up.
  • Presenter can mute viewer microphones, and lock them in muted mode.
  • Presenter can yield control to a viewer.
  • Presenter can share desktop (requires Java)


Requires either Firefox or Chrome browser and no extra plugins are required. Except for sharing desktop which requires Java, nothing else need be installed.


Server installation is complex. It's designed currently to install on Ubuntu and Dart is running CentOS.

I tried installing by hand on CentOS and got bogged down. I tested the virtual machine image but it's set to run on VMPlayer so it's really targeted at desktops. Now I am trying to install KVM and thence to install Ubuntu into a virtual machine so that I can just walk through the documented BBB installation procedures.


  • nginx 1.0.15
  • redis 2.4.10
  • swftools 0.9.1
  • ImageMagick
  • libreoffice allows sharing docs by converting them to PDF
  • libyaml libyaml-dev (for supporting gem in ruby)
  • yasm libvorbis-devel (for building ffmpeg)

nginx migration

Had to remove some stuff

 rpm -e php-pdo
 rpm -e php-ZendFramework-Db-Adapter-Pdo
 rpm -e php-pdo
 rpm -e php-mysql
 rpm -e phpmyadmin
 rpm -e php-mysql
 rpm -e php-pdo
 yum --enablerepo=remi,remi-php55 install nginx php-fpm php-common
service httpd stop
service nginx start
service php-fpm start
chkconfig httpd off
chkconfig nginx on
chkconfig php-fpm on

php-mapscript will need to be recompiled

Things built from sources

freeswitch -- They recommend building from git sources

git clone git://
cd freeswitch
make -j 10
sudo make all install cd-sounds-install cd-moh-install
Use linphone to connect to dart sip:[email protected] and dial 9664 to hear MOH

ruby the version in Centos is 1.8.7 and BBB requires 1.9.2 Version 2 is out but being cautious today I installed the newest of the 1. series, 1.9.3



Now that the prereq's are out of the way... BBB includes instructions for installing in Ubuntu and also a virtual machine image.

git clone