Bike maps
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Proposed Tunison bike path
Google Maps
The finished page is here:
Google Earth
The unfinished page is here:
- Digitized routes in ArcMap
- Saved as shapefiles in Benton county projection
- Reprojected to Web Mercator and convert to KML with ogr2ogr
- Edited KML files in emacs to make them look good in Google Earth
- Created web page on hosted site
Note the backwards source and destination
for shp in *.shp do b=`basename $shp .shp` ogr2ogr -f "KML" -t_srs EPSG:900913 $b.kml $shp done
This creates KML files that can be loaded into a Google map (Google Earth or Google Maps).
After all the bother of creating and editing KML files, I ended up taking the linestrings and points out of the KML file and making a Google javascript program instead.
The KML looked good (after extensive edits) in Google Earth but the symbology did not come through in the Google Maps API.