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URISA meeting that was held at LaSells Stewart Center

Morning session

Emergency response preparedness

In brief-- we are unprepared to help anyone in emergency situations.

GIS agencies need to work together at all levels.

GIS agencies need to exchange GIS data.

GIS agencies need to work more to make emergency services aware of their capabilities.

What I could do: Become an amateur radio operator and get involved with local search and rescue. Short term goal: get Tech class license.

update: 11/06 DONE. The Radio Page

Afternoon session

Mike Quetel, City of Portland, Using google earth

Aaron Racicot, Ecotrust Open source GIS

Scott Kveton, Open Source Lab http://osuosl.org/
OSL hosts open source projects. No gepspatial projects but open to possibilities.

Frank Purcell and Mike Gilligan Portland Tri-met bus mapper

Theresa Valentine, FSL Watershed mapper with ArcIMS

Jon Michael Bosley Geo grad student Change detection in Mesopotamian Marshlands

Nathan Truelove FW grad student Model of fish movements