LVGL is a software library supporting GUIs on small devices. The small device might be an ESP32 or a SeedStudio SenseCap D1 Indicator. Or it could be a Pi.
You can design the UI on a computer using Squareline Studio or the new Squareline Vision then compile it to use on the target device. Squareline software is subscription based but free for personal use, which covers me. Using Squareline is supposedly optional, I have not tried going with out it yet.
I will use VSCode on Windows (Pearl) since I am sitting downstairs right now. I am unimpressed with the docs for SDL on Windows so I am going for Bellman instead. Bellman is Debian. Upstairs.
Following the instructions for VSCode here First I need SDL and on Debian, it's just repos, like this. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y build-essential libsdl2-dev cmake
I grabbed their code from
Raspberry Pi
Good hardware platform since it's a whole computer.
SenseCap D1
I did a simple UI design for a CanBus monitor in SquareLine Studio. Next I want to test it in an LVGL simulator.
I am thinking I can install the simulator on Bellman and work with VSCode in remote shell mode.
Then I want to get the LVGL module added to MicroPython. Unless I switch to running Zephyr on the ESP32? Or programming it in C anyway. This is looking like a good option, support seems to be there.
Then I want to test the UI in the D1.