Magnia LCD

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LCD and Fans

Update Aug 2010-- It's not working in Ubuntu 10.04, sorry.

The 'lcd' program is available in source code form from the SG20 group area on I compiled it and hacked in settings for the SG20 (it was written for an SG30) and installed it, now I get proper readings on the lcd display and I can control the fans! THANKS Hans-Michael and Eric! It uses the lm-sensors and smartmonctl packages.

I added a Fahrenheit option to the command line, see /etc/default/lcd Source code is in /usr/src/lcd-2.2.1/

The lm-sensors package adds the ability to read the system sensors. NOTE: You need to run sensor-detect (just once) to set it up before all the features in 'lcd' will work.

The standard Ubuntu 2.6 kernel + lm-sensors will give you output like this:

# sensors
Adapter: ISA adapter
CPU core:  +1.76 V  (min =  +0.06 V, max =  +3.10 V)   
+2.5V:     +2.48 V  (min =  +2.36 V, max =  +2.61 V)   
I/O:       +3.36 V  (min =  +3.12 V, max =  +3.45 V)   
+5V:       +5.03 V  (min =  +4.73 V, max =  +5.20 V)   
+12V:     +11.59 V  (min = +11.35 V, max = +12.48 V)   
CPU Fan:  5720 RPM  (min =    0 RPM, div = 2)          
P/S Fan:  5578 RPM  (min =    0 RPM, div = 2)          
SYS Temp:  +15.6°C  (high =  +146°C, hyst =  +133°C)   
CPU Temp:  +16.2°C  (high =  +146°C, hyst =  +133°C)   
SBr Temp:  +24.8°C  (high =  +141°C, hyst =   +54°C)

The smartmontools package talks to the hard disk drives, and can get the drive temperature if the drive has a sensor. I have two drives, the Toshiba drive does not have any sensor but the newer Fujitsu drive does.

I added code that will show the current ip addresses.

I added code to allow running a firewall script (on and off) from the front panel button, Now that I have switched to using shorewall I will have to change this.

Starting at boot time

Put this line in /etc/rc.local

lcd -f server &


lcd server &

if you want output in celsius instead of fahrenheit

Other additions

Some perl scripts

lcdlight, called under two other names lcdon and lcdoff. They control the lcd backlight. lcd-log takes two arguments and displays them on the lcd.

Near the end of /lib/lsb/init-functions I added this (before FANCYTTY)

[ -e $LCD ] && $LCD "Running" $0

This will show the name of the script that is being run on boot or shutdown, as long as the 'lcd' program is not running.

My system takes about 30 seconds to boot, load the kernel, and then start in on its initialization scripts. As soon as the scripts start running, I get feedback from the 'lcd-log' script.

One of the last things to happen is that the lcd program runs, when that happens I hear the fans shut off and I know the system has successfully booted.