OpenSCAD for bowl handle
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id = 36; od = id + 15; ih = 3; oh = ih+3; pin_t = 3; wall_t = 3; module knob(d,hgt,mink) { translate([0,0,mink]) minkowski() { cylinder(r=d/2, h=hgt); sphere(mink); } } module tube(od,id,hgt) { difference() { cylinder(r=od/2,h=hgt); translate([0,0,-0.1]) cylinder(r=id/2,h=hgt + 0.2); }; } module hollow_knob() { difference() { knob(od,ih,4); union(){ translate([0,0,oh-ih+.1]) cylinder(r=od/2-4, h=20); // hollow translate([0,0,-1])cylinder(r=16,h=20); // hole in top } } } module partone() { hollow_knob(); translate([0,0,.1]) tube(id+pin_t+wall_t+3, 40, 15); } module pins(hgt) { for (r = [-180, -150, -120, -90, -60, -30, 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180]) rotate([0,0,r]) translate([id/2, 0, hgt/2]) cube([pin_t,8,hgt],true); } module strip(hgt) { $fs=.1; idl = id + 3; difference() { for (r = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]) translate([(r-4)*12-19,0,pin_t/2+1])cube([5,hgt,pin_t],true); scale([1,1,1.3]) translate([-75,2,3]) rotate([0,90,0]) cylinder(r=1.5,h=150); } translate([0,0,1/2])cube([idl*3.14,hgt,1],true); } module inner_circle() { $fs=.1; l = id*5; difference() { pins(11); translate([0,0,3]) knob(id-2,2,2); } tube(id+2,id-8,3); } module model() { base_h = 3.5; cylinder(r=30/2, h=base_h); translate([0,0,base_h])cylinder(r=id/2, h=3); } print_pla = 1; print_nylon = 1; color("DarkGrey") model(); translate([0,0,11+4])rotate([180,0,0]) union() { if (print_pla == 1) { translate([0,0,-50]) color("LightBlue") partone(); } if (print_nylon == 1) { // color("White") translate([0,0,4]) strip(11); translate([0,0,-25]) color("Yellow") translate([0,0,4]) inner_circle(11); } }