PDX Geo Unconference

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PostGIS / pgRouting

Ryan ended up as the presenter because noone else knows anything about pgRouting.

pgRouting adds a set of stored procedures to PostGIS so that you can do routing, for example, it has a shortestpath procedure.

Places to get started

GIS Stack Exchange]
  • "A Beginner;s Guide to pcRouting" (look in stack exchange to find this)

There is a query builder plug in for QGIS called RTE SQL Layer

pgrouting.org -- get binaries and import into PostGIS

The same issues of cleaning data exist here.

What do we need to do to create a network from the road data?

Scott --

Pedestrian infrastructure

Finding all paths from a set of endpoints (residences) to a given transit stop

Builds a TIN -> then builds a raster surface

Can do before and after analysis to determine potential impact of a project

Uses "equivalent distance" -- would you be inclined to take a different route to avoid what is perceived as a discomfort -- danger - noise - etc. So if a project adds some annoyance you add a weighting factor that will increase the equivalent distances.