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We live in an age of wonder... I can buy 32bit MIPS processor boards (aka PIC32) for $49. I am considering using one for my car computer project, but on this page at the moment I am only talking about using a PICKIT2 to control a keyboard.

2015-Jun I have a PICKIT3 around someplace now too! Lost it when we moved. Dang.

The chips

What I have around right now

  • PIC 18F25K20 (28 pin) compares well with the chip used for Arduino, the ATmega328p
  • PIC 16F873 (28 pin) pin compatible with the 18F25K20, but requires an external clock
  • PIC 16F628 (20 pin)
  • PIC 12F675 (8 pin)
  • PIC 12F629 (8 pin)
  • PIC 12F683 (8 pin)
  • PIC 12F1501 (8 pin)
  • PIC 10F322 (8 pin DIP, also available in 6 pin SOIC)
  • 24LC65 8Kx8 EEPROM
  • 8 MHz ceramic resonators
  • 4 MHz ceramic resonators
  • 32kHz xtals for slow but very low power operation (button cell powered data collectors)

Development tools


I have a PICKIT 3 now. In fact, two. The older one came with a 18F* dev board, the new one came with a 10F322 board. The old one is... stored someplace probably or got lost in the move from Oregon. Drat.

I also have a PICKIT 2 purchased directly from Microchip. For $50 you get a development board, the programmer, and the software. http://www.microchip.com/stellent/idcplg?IdcService=SS_GET_PAGE&nodeId=1406&dDocName=en023805&redirects=pickit2

Pickit 2


Microchip product page

Official FAQ in Microchip forum

Alt PICKIT 2 FAQ http://www.voti.nl/pickit2faq/index.html

1/13/13 -- My recent foray was unsatisfying because I found my Pickit 2 does not support the 16F690 for debugging with the C compiler, even though it's the chip on the Pickit 2 board... I am setting up a breadboard with a 16F873 I had in my junk box. Hope it works.

possible parts for Car computer




MPLAB X downloads

2016-Jul-17 Installed on OS/X El Capitan STILL DOES NOT WORK. Tired of this. MPLAB X 3.35

2016-JUN-27 I just installed 3.35 on Mint Linux. It goes into /opt

The "extras" have to be installed separately.

XC Compiler is here: http://www.microchip.com/mplab/compilers

I installed these; there are others:

  • XC8 version 1.37
  • XC16 version 1.26

Code Configurator is here: http://www.microchip.com/mplab/mplab-code-configurator

MPLAB X 3.05 did not work on Mac Yosemite (installs but spins on startup forever) I use a Linux Mint machine under Parallels.

There are also libraries.

They have a thing called "Harmony" that I have not looked at because it's for PIC32

Eagle CAD

Use the SparkFun library from https://github.com/sparkfun/SparkFun-Eagle-Libraries

High Level Languages

C language

MPLAB XC: mostly free C compilers http://www.microchip.com/pagehandler/en_us/devtools/mplabxc/ Non-free options offer better optimizations. You get a 60 day eval on PRO level with the free version.

http://www.ccsinfo.com/picc.shtml C compilers starting at just $50.

http://www.fored.co.uk/ Wiz-C

If working with PIC16 or PIC18 see https://sites.google.com/site/rmaalmeida/mplabx-sdcc-toolchain

Basic language

http://www.xcprod.com/titan/XCSB - optimising structured PIC BASIC compiler

Other PIC Microprocessor Resources

http://www.embeddedrelated.com/ EmbeddedRelated web site, and the mailing list: PIClist