7/19/13 We currently meet on the third Thursday of each month.
Google Group:!forum/cvo-osgis
Next meeting
February 20 2014 - Dart meeting, speaker Aaron Gifford File:Dart Flight School.pdf
FREE PIZZA WHOO WHOO (AGI is buying instead of me!)
Previous meetings
November 2013
We tried to do an OSM party (small) but OSM was offline for edits! So we met and talked about OSM instead.
Oct 17, 2013
Matt Gregory gave a demo
Nick Martinelli showed us three recent projects.
- Crowdsourced neighborohood maps in Portland and Seattle
- Leaflet map for Remy
- One more that I can't remember right now.
QGIS - 3 beginners helping each other get started. More notes on this page: QGIS.
OpenStreetMap discussion, issues with Benton county building import project
OpenStreetMap mapping party, experimenting with what we learned in April
OpenStreetMap introduction by Brian Hartman
We had 4 or 5 meetings in 2012 then went into hibernation. Matt Gregory kicked it back into gear by expressing interest in OpenStreetMap.