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I'm looking for the right Micropython extension for VSCODE now. I tried many. For now I am using Mu. Maybe Seeed ArduPy works? Nope, there is no ArduPy compatible UF2 at this time.

Maybe Bao Phan's Micropython IDE will work? It was built for MacOS and does not run currently on Windows.

What about MicroPico from paulober? I know it's written for the Pico so I will try it first with the RP2040. Bah, can't find its serial ports and settings file is weird.

Micropython-REPLink by SWC-Fablab?? Also requires a REPL shell, suggests MPFshell.


I think you have to copy the code file onto the board somehow before you can reference it with "import". It has to be on sys.path.

Since there is no operating system running, there is no filesystem per se, just internal and sd card. We don't have an SD card for the ESP32.

SenseCap Indicator

Described in detail on the SenseCAP Indicator page


Initial tests

There are no LEDs to blink here. I should be able to mess around with WiFI and BT since they are built in to the ESP.

The button is on GPIO38. I was able to write "esp_button_test.py".

Running Mu, I am already using the UART so I know it works. I could also test comms with the RP2040 but I think that goes in a future section.

I guess I will try the wireless interfaces. Okay, I can connect WiFi and get an IP address using "esp_wifi_test.py".

I think I will skip BT for now, and press on with using the LCD. To do that, I will need to know a lot more.


LVGL - has to be imported, so I need a code file for it.
